
2001 Harley-Davidson Road King

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dear Blogger Pals, Please Pray for my Dad...

(copied from my FB page):

Many of us ask for prayers from time to time for various reasons, which I think is a good
thing....so now I'm asking all of you for prayers for my Dad. He is in the hospital
tonight...the cancer that is throughout his whole body is trying to take it's final toll. He's been fighting this like a warrior for years now, and he's still fighting an amazing and inspirational fight. He would of course rather be at home, so we're praying that he will gain enough strength and stabilization to do that. Right now, only God knows...but I am sure hoping and praying! I know that this is something that we all go through in life with our parents, so I certainly do appreciate your time for good thoughts for my Dad.
-Thank you,
Mary Ann


We're (I'm) still here reading all of your blogs (and not commenting, so sorry)....much has happened since I last posted, both good and bad (and some so bad that it's funny now), but I just haven't had it in me to participate here for along time...and I have never let go of the intention to get back to it...some of you I know will understand, some of you won't...I know that, which is why I hardly feel that I even have the right to ask for your prayers for my Dad....but, I'm doing it anyway, hoping for a miracle. I'll be back when I can. I feel like I've come to "know" many of you. Thank you for that.

P.S. - We are back in Michigan, no more Texas winters (ever, I think), Florida (Clermont area) next winter.

Lot's of catching up to do, eh?

P.P.S.- I'm having a heck of a time trying to post this so it's readable, I guess Blogger must have changed things again, so sorry until I figure it out.


  1. This page needs a major revamp! I'll get to it as soon as I have a chance to read and learn about all of the new changes. I love to learn new things, but it sure is more difficult to sort it all out and remember things as I get older. Oh well, I like challenges! - Mary Ann

  2. Mary Ann~Prayers are sent. My fav verse is Joshua 1:9. Check it out.

  3. Add my thoughts as well for your Dad and the hope that he finds peace.

  4. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you all. As an only child who looked after both parents at different times (both of whom are now gone), I do understand and empathize. So keepin' you in my thoughts. Take care and come back when you can!



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